Sam Ezeh comes from a lineage of hyper-talented musicians emanating from Sweden, but his blend of ultra-smooth and soulful sounds are entirely his own. Posting beats on Soundcloud and singing over downloaded karaoke versions of popular songs is what led the 20-year-old to get discovered.
Between his cinematic videos, magazine editorial-worthy imagery and serene, cosmic sound, it’s easy to see that the 20-year-old is a bonafide star in the making. And people are already taking note; «CRISIS» the songwriter, singer and producer’s debut single, has racked up four million streams and counting. It’s a cross-pollination of dreamy 70s psychedelia and funk-inspired vocal runs.
His debut EP, Night At Ezeh’s, served as a first glimpse of his world, with its late-night, lights-low material, but its follow-up, Sapphire Alley, is a striking full-length statement from an artist who has clearly undergone many soul-searching impasses to get here. Make no mistake – Sam Ezeh is a name you’ll be hearing a lot more of.
Sam Ezeh kommer fra en lang rekke med talentfulle musikere i Sverige, men hans sjelfulle stil er noe fullstendig eget. Som tenåring begynte han å legge ut egenproduserte beats og coverlåter på Soundcloud, og slik ble han oppdaget av en musikkagent.
20-åringen er en rendyrket stjerne som er involvert i flere aspekter av sin karriere. Med debut-EPen Night At Ezeh’s ga han publikum et innblikk i hans verden, og med etterfølgeren Sapphire Alley, fikk vi en fullengder med ytringer fra en åpenbart reflektert artist. Dette vet vi – Sam Ezeh er et navn du kommer til å høre mer av.