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  • by:Larm Black

Presented by Midgardsblot and Summer Breeze.


Eradikated spiller thrash metal slik det skal høres ut – hardt, raskt og brutalt. Deres lyd har kanskje røtter i 80-tallets Bay Area-scene, men Eradikated er ingen retroband. De spiller sin egen moderne versjon av thrash metal, og deres opptreden handler alltid om høy energi, full fart og intens kraft. Det er ingen bakgrunnstracks, ingen overdubs eller andre hemmelige hjelpemidler – det du hører på albumene er stort sett akkurat det samme som du vil høre når du opplever Eradikated live. Noen kan kalle det primitivt, men det er akkurat slik bandet vil ha det. Det du ser er det du får, og det treffer deg rett i ansiktet.

Etter å ha gitt ut en selvtitulert EP (DIY) i 2021 og det fullengdes albumet Descendants (Indie Recordings) i 2023, som ble nominert til en svensk Grammis i kategorien "Beste Hard Rock/Metal of the year". Eradikated jobber nå med nytt materiale som vil bli utgitt i nær fremtid. I mellomtiden turnerer bandet så mye som mulig for å fortsette å erobre hjertene til metalfans over hele verden.


Eradikated play thrash metal like it’s supposed to sound – hard, fast and mean. Their sound may have its roots in the 80’s Bay Area scene, but Eradikated is no retro act. They play their own modern version of thrash metal and their performance is always about high energy, full throttle and intense attack. There are no backing tracks, no overdubbing’s, or any other secret helpers – what you hear on the albums is pretty much exactly what you will hear from the stage when you experience Eradikated live. Some may call it primitive, but that’s how the band want it. What you see is what you get, and it hits you right in the face.

After releasing one self-titled EP (DIY) 2021 and the full-length album Descendants (Indie Recordings) 2023, that was nominated for a Swedish Grammy in the category “Best Hard Rock/Metal of the Year”. Eradikated are currently working on new material that will be released within a not-so-distant future. In the meantime, the band tour as much as possible to keep conquering the hearts of metalheads all over the world.


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