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  • Jury's Selection


Drongo er et åttemannsorkester som navigerer mellom krautrock, space disco, afrobeat og støyrock – alt etter hvem du spør. Siden konsertdebuten sent 2019 har de spilt på klubber og festivaler i hele landet, og fått rykte på seg for å være et enestående og energisk liveband.

Det siste året har de sluppet to album og fått skryt av alt fra obskure amerikanske blogger til norske medier som Stavanger Aftenblad, VG og P3. Sistnevnte kalte Drongo “forrykende fusion med fremdrift som ti ville hester”, mens VG hevdet at “antall lyttere på Spotify noen ganger er omvendt proporsjonalt med kvalitet.” by:Larms demojury var like begeistret og sendte Drongo videre med en gang til 2022-festivalen.


Drongo is a bird that annoys others to get what it wants. Drongo is also Australian slang for idiot, but in this case it is an eight-piece that navigates through krautrock, disco, afrobeat, and noise rock, depending on who you ask. As many sounds as a drongo bird, but by no means as annoying.

In 2021 they released their debut album “1” to raving reviews, and toured across Norway in the small time it was allowed, as well as playing a livestream gig watched by 15 000 people. “2” was released on March 11, 2022, and it shows their dancier side, inspired by snow-covered plains, space disco, and winter darkness.

Drongo has received praise from the blogosphere, including publications like American Pancake and The New Englander, while also garnering good reviews from Norwegian media like Stavanger Aftenblad, VG and P3 – the latter calling it “terrific fusion with momentum like ten wild horses”.

  • Jury’s Selection by:Larm 2022
  • Praised by VG, P3 and Stavanger Aftenblad
  • “Drongo have delivered one of the most satisfying and unique albums of the year.” - Audioxide

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